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A frequently asked question during Africa ELI presentations is, “What will the South Sudanese students do after high school?” Anita responds by explaining that they will do the same things as girls in the U.S. Some will attend college. Others will seek employment. Some will return home to live with their parents.

While none of us knows exactly what the future holds, we can certainly plan and prepare to accomplish our goals using the resources available to us. We can have a vision for the future. This is true for individuals as well as societies.

To learn about a vision for young people in South Sudan set by the Minister of General Education and Instruction, please read this article describing his “ambitious agenda.” The article recognizes Africa ELI’s role in supporting secondary school education in South Sudan, and credits our effort to identify and address the barriers to education for girls.


Our Mission

By providing access to education, Africa ELI prepares young women in South Sudan to become leaders in their families and communities, engage in business enterprise, counteract inequalities, improve health practices, and work toward improving society for the benefit of all citizens.

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