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At the school where Africa ELI students are enrolled this year, in a quiet, grassy spot beneath a tall and deeply rooted tree, there is a fire pit. A small flame, carefully stoked by women throughout the day, burns continuously.

A school administrator described the location as a place to “stand in the gap.” He explained that students are welcome to sit and rest by the fire and to pray, step away from the stress of lessons, and spend time talking with the “mommas” who tend the flame. 

Large rocks surround the pit. Each one is painted with bible verses that offer words of encouragement for the students. Signs posted on the trees are also filled with inspirational messages. 

As Africa ELI staff passed by the fire one afternoon, a student was seated there next to one of the caretaker women. They were speaking in soft voices. The girl was exhausted, as exams had just finished. The woman knew this, and was offering the girl encouraging words and a loving expression. We think this girl, with the care and steady support of those around her, will continue to persevere and achieve her educational goals. Her light will shine, just like the fire by which they sat.


Our Mission

By providing access to education, Africa ELI prepares young women in South Sudan to become leaders in their families and communities, engage in business enterprise, counteract inequalities, improve health practices, and work toward improving society for the benefit of all citizens.

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